
Types of Truck Accidents in Texas

David K. Wilson & Associates

Feb 13, 2020

The trucking industry helps move our economy. In fact, trucks transport nearly 71 percent of all goods across the United States. While these trucks help us in many ways, they also increase the dangers on our roads. Large commercial trucks cause more than 148,000 injury accidents every year and more than 4,700 fatalities. These accidents occur in many different ways, but each can result in serious harm to everyone involved. Understanding the various types of truck accidents is key to obtaining the money you need to fully recover. Do you know the types of truck accidents in Texas?

Types of Truck Accidents

A truck accident can occur at any time and to anyone. Texas is a major thoroughfare for large commercial trucks carrying goods across the country. These trucks travel on freeways and interstates across Texas at all hours of the day and night.

Unfortunately, more trucks on the road results in more accidents. In 2017, Texas crashes involving large trucks led to 649 deaths. These accidents occurred in many different ways, including:

  • Jackknifes
  • Truck rollovers
  • Tire blowouts
  • Wide-turn accidents
  • Blind spot crashes
  • Rear-end accidents
  • Underride accidents
  • Lost loads
  • Head-on collisions
  • T-bone crashes

Large commercial trucks are heavy and difficult to maneuver. They have large blind spots and take longer to stop than other vehicles. These dangers make it more difficult for truck drivers to avoid serious accidents on the road. Inclement weather, distracted drivers and highway defects can all increase the risk of a serious trucking accident.

Who Is to Blame After a Truck Accident?

After a serious truck accident, multiple parties can share the responsibility for the crash. The truck driver, the trucking company and loading company can all make mistakes that could lead to an accident.

To determine liability, your Texas truck accident attorney will need to examine the crash closely and investigate all possible angles. The black box data should be obtained, as well as truck records and maintenance logs. Your attorney will use this information to help build a case to get you maximum compensation for your injuries.

Contact Our Texas Truck Accident Lawyer

At David K. Wilson & Associates, Attorneys at Law, our Sherman truck accident lawyer understands the horrific injuries trucking accident victims face. He also knows that insurance companies will look for any excuse to pay as little as possible.

At our firm, we fight aggressively for our injured clients. We know how to fight insurance companies and large trucking companies and win! 

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By David K. Wilson & Associates 29 Jul, 2023
During a global pandemic, driving safely is even more important than before. Hospitals and emergency rooms simply cannot handle road crash victims right now. They struggle daily to take care of the thousands of Coronavirus patients who need their care. As the healthcare system becomes overwhelmed, all drivers can do their part to stay safe and avoid serious accidents . Taking steps to prevent serious injury during the Coronavirus outbreak is something everyone can do to help reduce the impact on our healthcare system. Do you know how to drive safely during the COVID-19 outbreak? Tips for Driving Safely Government officials and safety experts urge all drivers to reconsider driving right now whenever possible. Limit driving to only essential trips, such as grocery shopping and medical care. This alone will limit your risk of getting into a serious car accident . It will also reduce your risk of contracting the Coronavirus. Driving in a car is risky at the moment, especially if the distance you drive forces you to stop for gas or food. These interactions with others can increase the risk of catching COVID-19 or passing it along to others. Whenever possible, it is important to stay home to save lives. If you do need to go out, it is important to follow these steps closely.  Buckle up Reduce speed Obey traffic lights Watch for pedestrians and cyclists Do not drink and drive Put down the cell phone Do not tailgate Avoid aggressive driving These everyday driving tips can help you avoid a serious accident right now. Be vigilant behind the wheel and use extra caution even when running routine errands. The Global Alliance recommends that all drivers follow their government’s advice. Contact a Sherman Car Accident Lawyer Today The Coronavirus impacts everyone in the United States. As the virus sweeps across the nation, drivers may find themselves stuck after a car accident. It could be difficult to get medical help, car repairs and compensation. During this time, injured car accident survivors need a Sherman car accident lawyer on their side. At David K. Wilson & Associates, Attorneys at Law, we can help you through this terrifying time. We know that you need assistance now more than ever. That is why we offer free initial consultations and reviews
By David K. Wilson & Associates 11 May, 2022
Did you know that the average fully loaded big rig commercial truck can easily weigh as much as 80,000 pounds? In comparison, the average car on the road weighs roughly 3,000 pounds. This size and weight discrepancy alone is one of the main reasons why big rig trucks are so dangerous. When an accident occurs, the occupants in the passenger vehicle often sustain a majority of the injuries, many of which are severe and sometimes even life-threatening. Unfortunately, size is not the only reason why big rig trucks are so dangerous, however. Dangerous Cargo Can Cause Deadly Big Rig Commercial Truck Accidents Big rigs, tractor-trailers, and semi-trucks often carry cargo on long journeys across the country. Failure to adequately secure this cargo before shipping can cause the big rig to lose control on the road, or become unsteady in high winds or inclement weather. In addition to unsecured loads, the cargo they carry can be hazardous. Consider what happens when an hazardous waste truck collides on a freeway or a log truck jackknifes on the Interstate. Not only is the truck a dangerous object, but the cargo it contains can spill or fly off of the truck, leading to vehicle collisions and numerous injuries. Cutting Corners Can Be Disastr ous Trucking companies have a responsibility to ensure that their trucks and big rigs are safe and reliable while on the road. This means performing regularly scheduled maintenance and taking proper safety precautions. Unfortunately, unscrupulous trucking companies may cut corners when servicing their trucks. They may delay changing tires or headlights on their vehicles in an effort to reduce their expenses and increase their profits. They may even unhook the front brakes in order to force the truck driver to only rely on the back brakes. This is done to reduce the wear and tear on the front brakes, which in turn, saves money. Not All Truck Drivers Are Properly Trained Not all truck drivers are responsible and adequately trained to drive a dangerous semi-truck on the road. Trucking companies may fail to ensure that their truck drivers are properly trained and have a clean driving record. During busy times, they may rush to place a truck driver on the road before they’re ready. This inexperience can create dangerous and deadly situations. In an emergency, an inadequately trained truck driver may not know how to guide their vehicle to safety and make poor decisions. Blind Spots Are Deadly Semi-trucks have large blind spots on both sides and in the front and back of the truck. These blind spots make it difficult for large trucks to see other cars on the road nearby. As a result, big rigs may suddenly change lanes directly in front of or into another car. They may also back up into other vehicles or run over objects in the road. Blind spots can result in serious trucking accidents. To avoid this, truckers should always visually check their blind spots before changing lanes or backing up. Injured in a Trucking Accident? If you or someone you love has been injured in a big rig commercial truck accident, it is important to speak to an experience and skilled Texas trucking accident lawyer immediately. At David K. Wilson & Associates, our attorneys have the experience and the resources needed to tackle these large and complex cases. Contact Us today for a free initial consultation and review of your case. You pay nothing unless we can win!
By David K. Wilson & Associates 11 May, 2022
The body content of your post goes here. To eDo you do a lot of walking in the Sherman, TX area? Do you enjoy walking to and from work, school, the store, the doctor’s office or the park? If so, you must do everything possible to protect yourself when being a pedestrian. If you don’t, you could put yourself in serious danger the next time you step foot on the sidewalk or the pavement. It can be difficult to recover completely from injuries suffered in a pedestrian accident, which is why you need to follow the five tips for safe pedestrian actions in today’s post. 1. Always Cross at Controlled Intersections Make it a habit to always cross at controlled intersections when walking around town. Do not jaywalk and do not cross at intersections where there is no stop sign or no traffic light. You are much safer when crossing at a controlled intersection. There is still the chance that a car could wind up hitting you but that chance is reduced at a controlled intersection. 2. Walk Close to Buildings Do your best to walk close to the buildings when on the sidewalk. Do not walk near the curb, near parked cars, or anywhere near the street unless you are crossing it. Walking near the buildings will help protect you from any vehicle that accidentally jumps the curb and heads for you. 3. Wear Bright-Colored Clothing Do you do a lot of working at night? It’s important to wear clothing that has bright colors so when vehicle headlights shine on you, or the streetlights shine on you, you will be seen by drivers. It’s difficult at night for drivers to spot pedestrians, don’t make it worse on yourself by wearing dark clothing while walking at night. 4. Avoid Using Your Phone While Walking Many people love to listen to music while walking. They also like to text, answer calls, send emails and browse social media. Don’t do any of this when walking around town. This will only wind up putting you in a bad situation. You might not notice you are at the intersection, causing you to walk right out into traffic. If you have headphones in your ears you might not hear sirens of an emergency vehicle or the horn of a car beeping at you. 5. Learn and Follow Traffic Laws You must learn and follow all of the traffic laws associated with being a pedestrian. This includes waiting to cross until the light is green, not assuming vehicles will stop for you, and avoiding jaywalking at all times. Make eye contact with the driver closest to you before stepping foot onto the street from the sidewalk. Injured in a Pedestrian Accident? Call an Attorney Today Were you injured in a pedestrian accident in Sherman, TX? Did your loved one die because of a pedestrian accident? If so, it’s time to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney about your case. Call the office of David K. Wilson & Associates, Attorneys at Law today to schedule an appointment. dit this text, click on it and delete this default text and start typing your own or paste your own from a different source.
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